Sometimes words cannot express how you feel, and we are here to assist.Just give this necklace to your girl, which holds this sweetest pendant there is with two hearts, representing you and her. Now it's easy to say, I am always shining because you're mine forever".All in Sterling Silver Polished with anti-tarnish. The necklace is an 18 inch in length and the pendant is 1in x 1in approx. Mounted with brightest crystals with a Life Time Ltd. Warranty. Comes in a Gift Pouch."
Two vibrant yellow sapphires alternate with white diamonds in channel-setting. Made in 14K white gold this pendant has a total weight (TDW) of 1.00 ct.
A square white chalcedony with cabochon-cut is securely held in a luscious 14K white gold 4-prong setting. This chalcedony pendant has a total gem weight...
Weathered Hearts pendants are like those caring hearts that have been through the test of time and so much of life these hearts have still...
White Gold Rhodium and 14k Gold Bonded Snowflake Pendant with Clear and Green Cubic Zirconia Accents in a Silver and Goldtone Chain Included....
White Gold Rhodium Bonded Hearts Pendant in a Silver Tone Chain Included. White Gold Rhodium Bonded Two Hearts Inspired Pendant with Round Cut...